Giulio Virduci
2 min readSep 6, 2020

1. Every generation accuse the following ones to be lazy, weak and/or dissolute.

2. When someone accuse you of being “narrow-minded”, it is simply because you don’t agree with him/her.

3. If someone accuse you to go against the “common sense”, be sure everything this someone does or says fits perfectly in the definition of “common sense”.

4. An aphorism may prove a point as well as another aphorism may prove its opposite.

5. When you’re not sure about who actually said something, just write down it was by “A.Einstein” or “Oscar Wilde”. Nobody is going to check.

6. Write down “in my humble opinion” first, and then you can say whatever the hell you want: it doesn’t matter how unscientific, discriminatory or stupid.

7. When you do a grammar mistake, don’t blame the autocorrect (it’s not what people do anymore). Just self-diagnose yourself with dyslexia.

8. Good-looking users will get more engagement than the average, but don’t you dare to say that loud.

9. “Motivational quotes” never really motivated anyone.

10. Everybody has got “haters” to whom dedicate at least a weekly post.

11. Write down more than 6 words, and be sure there will be something that someone may find offensive

12. Despite the vaste majority of people say they’re uninterested in physical appearances, photo filters are overly used.

13. If you get some weird message by some creepy guy, don’t block him! Keep chatting, then screenshot and post it. “Name and shame” are the best for getting engagement!

14. People that tell you to “think with your own mind”, usually spread theories they read in some blog (or watched on Youtube).

15. When you see “Media don’t cover this” as a premise to a news, usually that news either is all over the place, or is a total bullshit.

16. Last but not the least: mocking the average social network user (even writing down semi-serious lists), won’t make you any smarter.



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